  • Aims To assess perception of COVID-19 exposure risk, understanding and confidence in the associated Public Health guidelines and training in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) amongst dental practitioners (DPs). Method We conducted a self-administered anonymous survey of DPs in centres across England and Wales following the SOP recommendations published by PHE and PHW. The survey was live from 8th June 2020 until 12th June 2020. 200 DPs completed the survey. Results were collated and analysed graphically for interpretation. Results Most respondents (57.5%) felt that due to their role of being a dental practitioner, they were at a high risk of COVID-19 transmission and (52.5%) that published guidelines from their respective public health body (either PHE or PHW) were not sufficient for identifying patients with or at risk of COVID-19. The overall correlation showed that DPs in Wales had a more confident outlook on guidance from their public health body compared with DPs in England. Conclusion Our survey illustrates a lack of confidence in and understanding of COVID-19 guidance from PHW and PHW amongst dental practitioners, together with significant anxiety regarding exposure risk in the dental setting. Recommendations are outlined to address further waves of the disease.
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  • 10.1038/s41404-020-0589-z
  • BDJ_In_Pract
  • no-cc
  • document_parses/pdf_json/46b0bb5cf6c9162214e3870c6ee58a75fb9f98d9.json
  • document_parses/pmc_json/PMC7720256.xml.json
  • PMC
  • Multicentre survey of dental practitioners on COVID-19 guidance across England and Wales
  • 2020-12-07


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