  • It is reported that there are reasons to be upbeat about Africa\'s poultry industry in the long-term According to Rabobank\'s research team, global poultry demand will be more bullish in the latter half of 2020, as COVID-19 containment measurements are eased In the continent\'s biggest economy, South Africa - by far the continent\'s largest producer and consumer of chicken meat - there are significant moves afoot to improve overall performance in the sector All the while, there are moves to improve industry productivity and efficiency, driving the demand for new technology in the area Other factors are shaping the industry too, including the call to reduce the use of antibiotics across the production chain and improve nutrition for poultry
is ?:annotates of
  • African_Farming_and_Food_Processing
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Powering up Africa\'s poultry sector
  • #847457
  • 2020


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