STUDY OBJECTIVES: The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has forced program directors of sleep medicine fellowship programs, and other clinical training programs, to immediately transition longstanding face-to-face clinical and didactic instruction to virtual formats. The effects of this sudden transition to distance learning affect multiple aspects of training, from recruitment to patient care, scholarly activity, and well-being. Clinical educators must also understand how to consider and maintain equity while implementing distance learning strategies. METHODS: Resources were collected from multiple sites that are openly accessible to sleep medicine educators. These resources are presented within their topic domains to provide guidance on how to effectively implement distance learning strategies into a clinical training program. RESULTS: Links to helpful resources are provided for each of the following topics: virtual clinical care, didactic delivery in a virtual clinical learning environment, generating scholarship via distance learning, well-being in the setting of distance learning, virtual interviews, and equity in a virtual clinical learning environment. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical training programs, including sleep medicine fellowships, can utilize virtual and distance learning methodologies to deliver, and even enhance, currently existing curricula. The widespread adoption of distance learning strategies opens new opportunities for educational innovation and collaboration among training programs.