  • In this article, our goal is to provide researchers with a non-western perspective concerning the COVID-19 pandemic through a qualitative study of older adults living in Iwate, a prefecture in Japan that has only recently (27 July 2020) reported its first confirmed COVID-19 cases and which has experienced comparatively few cases since. Because they live in an environment with few COVID-19 cases, the individuals in this study provide an interesting perspective of the pandemic as it is unfolding in rural Japan and our focus here is on documenting the circumstances and ideas of elder residents of Iwate Prefecture to understand individual experiences of this population. Our intention here is to provide data and tentative analysis that may be useful in developing more complex cross-cultural studies related to the lived experience of COVID-19 among older people.
  • 10.1007/s10823-021-09423-1
  • J_Cross_Cult_Gerontol
  • no-cc
  • document_parses/pdf_json/23ba6ab06a6aa66f34fb3dd8a9490d7c44529806.json
  • document_parses/pmc_json/PMC7872306.xml.json
  • 33564989.0
  • Medline; PMC
  • A preliminary exploration of attitudes about COVID-19 among a group of older people in Iwate Prefecture, Japan
  • 2021-02-09


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