Background: The 1st year medical students are in a daily habit of attending college and being utterly preoccupied with lectures, practicals, studies, and examinations This year with the introduction of new concept of competency-based medical education students was exposed to hospital set up by early clinical exposure Since the news of a nationwide lockdown was announced from March 26, 2020, in response to the spread of the coronavirus disease-19 virus, not only it created a drastic change in the functioning of the country but also imparted a great impact on the 1st year medical students To complete scheduled curriculum, online teaching-learning sessions were initiated by medical colleges Students tried their best to cope up with new online learning sessions, completing assignments, and appearing for vivas This situation was completely unexpected and they had to attend online sessions with family members around them Aims and Objectives: The study was planned in, first MBBS (Phase I) students to analyze study pattern, perception toward various aspects of online teaching and daily activities during nationwide lockdown period Materials and Methods: This study was undertaken among the 1st MBBS (Phase I, Block III) student volunteers in a local medical college After approval by the Institutional Ethical Committee, a Google Form was designed, specifically based on the daily routine, perception toward various aspects of online teaching, time spent on studying and study pattern of Phase I students The data was represented as mean±standard deviation The responses were tabulated in percentage Results: About 93 9% of the students were primarily engaged in studies and 79 2% of students were involved in exercise at home About 84% of students were satisfied with online teaching sessions About 70 5% and 59 7% of the students felt an increased sleep duration and screen time on mobile respectively, while only 26 2% of the students felt that their study time was increased They were involved in various health related activities and hobbies and had quality time with parents Conclusion: This lockdown had a positive effect toward the optimistic thought processes of the students while engaging in family bonding and revisiting hobbies for a short duration It is seen to be effective and helpful to the students having online lectures