A potential link between mortality, D-dimer values and a prothrombotic syndrome has been reported in COVID-19 patients. The National Institute for Public Health of the Netherlands published a report for guidance on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 with a new vascular disease concept. The analysis of all available current medical, laboratory and imaging data on COVID-19 confirms that symptoms and diagnostic tests can not be explained by impaired pulmonary ventilation. Further imaging and pathological investigations confirm that the COVID-19 syndrome is explained by perfusion disturbances first in the lung, but consecutively in all organs of the body. Damage of the microvasculature by SARS 1 and SARS 2 (COVID-19) viruses causes microthrombotic changes in the pulmonary capillaries and organs leading to macrothrombosis and emboli. Therefore anticoagulant profylaxis, close lab and CT imaging monitoring and early anticoagulant therapy are indicated.