  • Belief in astrology remains strong even today, and one of the explanations why some people endorse paranormal explanations is the individual differences in analytical thinking. Therefore, the main aim of this paper was to determine the effects of priming an analytical or intuitive thinking style on the credulity of participants. In two experiments (N = 965), analytic thinking was induced and the source of fake profile (astrological reading vs. psychological testing) was manipulated and participants’ prior paranormal beliefs, anomalous explanation, cognitive reflection, and depression were measured. Although analytic thinking was proved to be hard to induce experimentally, the results showed that analytic thinking predicts credulity and belief in the paranormal was linked with experiencing more anomalous experiences and more paranormal explanations. The more people were able to think analytically, the less credulous they were as reflected in the lower acceptance of fake profile as accurate.
is ?:annotates of
  • 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.584424
  • Front_Psychol
  • cc-by
  • document_parses/pdf_json/034faa6e104694ea9d42674471586df6614f44df.json
  • document_parses/pmc_json/PMC7593255.xml.json
  • PMC
  • The Effect of Analytic Cognitive Style on Credulity
  • 2020-10-15


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