  • In the era of pandemic covid-19, many people have been exposed to this virus, now personal and environmental hygiene is a top priority for most people, all activities can’t run normally, social distancing becomes mandatory and do not go out of the house up to work from home, all was done to maintain their health and safety Along with the many activities carried out from home during pandemic covid-19, the use of internet connections to be able to stay connected to the outside world whether it\'s for work, shopping, learning has increased dramatically so the role of information technology to be very necessary at this time Seeing the conditions that occur at this time, where the level of concern for life safety is very high, we propose a system that can make it easier for people to access health services in the form of online consultations with doctor’s specialist, access information about health up to purchase of medicines and health equipment Later in the presence of this mobile application, it is expected to make it easier for the public to reach access to health services without any worries, because they don\'t need to leave the house and touch physically except in urgent conditions that need to be referred to the hospital, at least the presence of this mobile application is the first step in providing health services that are easily accessible for public © 2020, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering All rights reserved
is ?:annotates of
  • International_Journal_of_Advanced_Trends_in_Computer_Science_and_Engineering
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Design mobile application for health consultation during pandemic COVID 19
  • #831266
  • 2020


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