  • BACKGROUND: The complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the clinical entity caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), are not limited to the respiratory system. Leukoencephalopathy with microbleeds is increasingly seen in patients with COVID-19. New information is needed to delineate better the clinical implications of this infectious disease. CASE REPORT: A 46-year-old man with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with severe COVID-19. After transfer to the general wards, the patient was noted drowsy, disorientated, with slow thinking and speech. A brain MRI showed bilateral symmetrical hyperintense lesions in the deep and subcortical whiter matter, involving the splenium of the corpus callosum, as well as multiple microhemorrhages implicating the splenium and subcortical white matter. No contrast-enhanced lesions were observed in brain CT or MRI. CSF analysis showed no abnormalities, including a negative rtRT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2. An outpatient follow-up visit showed near-complete clinical recovery and resolution of the hyperintense lesions on MRI, without microbleeds change. CONCLUSION: We present the case of a survivor of severe COVID-19 who presented diffuse posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, and microbleeds masquerading as acute necrotizing encephalopathy. We postulate that this kind of cerebral vasogenic edema with microbleeds could be the consequence of hypoxia, inflammation, the prothrombotic state and medical interventions such as mechanical ventilation and anticoagulation.
is ?:annotates of
  • Int_J_Neurosci
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • COVID-19-related diffuse posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy and microbleeds masquerades as acute necrotizing encephalopathy
  • #983893
  • 2020


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