  • Science ecosystem has been evolved during modern human life Teaching, learning, education, and doing research connecting elements of this ecosystem include students, professors, administrators and researchers from academia and industry Different learning systems have been developed in different countries results in various science ecosystems that interact with each other While the main goals are the same and there are many collaborations between them, but their reactions are different during the world paradigm shifts such as ICTs, IoTs and the Internet revolution and recently emerged Covid-19 Pandemic In this paper we are going to study and share some experiences of different education systems This may help developed and developing courtiers to tune current or determine new strategies, especially when the world faces with the crisis of Covid-19 Pandemic We will discuss about the digital transformation in academic society and innovative ecosystems in the world beyond Covid19-Pandemic by using 7PS model and the 5th wave theory © 2020 IEEE
is ?:annotates of
  • Proc._IEEE_Learn._MOOCS,_LWMOOCS
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Digital Transformation in Academic Society and Innovative Ecosystems in the World beyond Covid19-Pandemic with Using 7PS Model for IoT
  • #968279
  • 2020


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