  • From the Document: To help delay and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019], governments across the world are encouraging people to stay at home when possible and adopt physical distancing and special hygiene measures in public Concurrently, health experts recognize the role of outdoor recreation and exercise in promoting mental health, physical fitness, and cognitive development Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends daily physical activity for both children (60 minutes a day) and adults (30 minutes a day) So, how can people exercise and return to play in a manner that minimizes the prospect of contracting or transmitting the virus? This general informational resource, created by the Aspen Institute with the support of medical experts, is designed to help people of all ages assess risk in a variety of common sport and recreational activities COVID-19 (Disease);Sports;Public health
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Return to Play: COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool
  • #739703
  • 2020


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