  • Polymers Sample Preparation of XRF Thin Films Basic XRF X-ray Optics Micro XRF XRD Sample Preparation Trace Analysis Understanding your Diffractometer – Tips and Tricks Quantitative Analysis of XRF Stress Analysis Handheld XRF – The Silver Bullet or Fools Gold? New Developments in XRD & XRF Instrumentation Rietveld Cultural Heritage Materials for Energy and Sustainability Applications Imaging Stress Analysis X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Trace Analysis Polymers General XRF Machine Learning Techniques in X-ray Analysis Quantitative Analysis of XRF Neutron Diffraction Advanced Fundamental Parameters Ceramics Food, Environment General XRD Industrial Applications of XRD & XRF IV The 2020 Robert L Snyder Student Award winners were: ♦ Hannah Cross, Keele University, UK ♦ Navpreet Kaur, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA ♦ Florencia Emilse Lurgo, Ciudad Universitaria, Argentina ♦ Christian Lutz, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany ♦ Marcelo Augusto Malagutti, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil ♦ Ana Murrieta Muñoz, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico ♦ Tashiema Ulrich, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA VII SCENES FROM VIRTUAL DXC The photo collage (Figure 1) of the 2020 Virtual DXC includes pictures of the esteemed Plenary speakers Jeffrey Post, Lynn Brostoff, Douglas Owsley and Timothy Rose;Event App Sponsor, Bruker\'s, “Spin the Wheel” game, awarding a prize to a new attendee each day;DXC Organizing Committee Member, Conal Murray, introducing the day\'s sessions with his family;most active prize -winning attendees, Navpreet Kaur, Tashiema Ulrich, and Vicente Benavides;and the “A View out Your Window” photo contest winner, a Black Beak Tucano bird submitted by Adriana Rocha
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  • Powder_Diffraction
  • unk
  • WHO
  • 69th Annual Denver X-ray conference report – a virtual event!
  • #974836
  • 2020


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