  • There has also been a well-publicised hand signal women in need of help can do while on a video call # SignalForHelp (bit ly/Sigforhelp) As maternity workers, we are in a unique position to help the victims to access services and advocate for their escape to safety DAVSS provides a holistic package of support, helping them with all the issues they experience as a result of abuse - not just the perpetrator - but housing, debt, their children\'s schools, depression and mental health issues From contacting their landlord about rent arrears or signposting debt advisory services if there is financial abuse, to supporting them through court to seek a Non-molestation Order or an Occupation Order prohibiting the perpetrator entering their household Anon MIDWIFE AND MOTHER TO A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC ABUSE We were sitting in the antenatal appointment going through the checklist of questions about home life, lifestyle and mental health: \'Are you happy about this pregnancy?\', the midwife would ask, \'yes\', was my teenage daughter\'s reply, and it seemed as though everything was fine
  • Midwives
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Domestic abuse
  • #995404
  • 2021


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