  • BACKGROUND: The potential of COVID-19 severe pandemic necessitates the development of an organized and well-reasoned plan for the management of embryology/andrology laboratories while safeguarding the wellbeing of patients and IVF staff MAIN BODY: A COVID-19 pandemic response plan was proposed for embryology and andrology laboratories for pre-pandemic preparedness and pandemic management in anticipation of a possible second coronavirus wave Preparation involves many plans and logistics before a pandemic risk rises Many operational changes can be considered during the pandemic This plan includes logistical arrangements, reducing labor needs, conserving supplies, and protective measures for embryologists and gametes/embryos CONCLUSION: The unpredictable emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic dictates the need for a preparedness plan for embryology/andrology laboratories, which includes an action-oriented plan to secure the safety of all stakeholders
is ?:annotates of
  • Middle_East_Fertil_Soc_J
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • IVF laboratory COVID-19 pandemic response plan: a roadmap
  • #853417
  • 2020


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