At the end of January, the current outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus disease was declared an important international public health emergency. In Spain, since the government declared the state of alarm on 14 March 2020, doctors responsible for carrying out neurophysiological tests have been performing them without any consensus criterion or clear safety guidelines for doctors, technicians or patients. The following recommendations, based on current knowledge of the disease and therefore liable to change in the future, are proposed when the pandemic appears to have entered a process of decreasing virulence and, with it, the strict containment measures established to date. However, in view of the possibility of a second wave of the pandemic, it seems necessary to establish basic and minimum recommendations to respect the patient\'s right to appropriate care, similar to that provided prior to the pandemic, and to maintain minimum safety standards for the patients themselves and for the doctors, technicians and health personnel carrying out these tests. These recommendations concern the constitution of a priority based on the reason for consultation, the establishment of calls to check the patient\'s clinical situation before going to the outpatient department and the rules for carrying out neurophysiological tests, which are generally based on the preservation of hospital circuits, respect for and observation of the known barriers to contagion of this disease, and the use of disposable material. These recommendations are of particular interest, especially given the uncertainty of not knowing the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the coming weeks or months.