  • In developing countries, microfinance actors mobilized during the covid-19 pandemic to support the activities of their most vulnerable clients In this context, the main concern of microfinance institutions is to minimize credit risk by adopting the most reliable scoring system possible There are many dimensions to consider In the literature, credit-scoring models essentially base on the financial dimension and neglect others deemed relevant The study presented in this paper is based on a review of several models to identify aspects related to credit score in a microfinance context, in order to build an ontological model presenting the dimensions having an impact on credit score and their interrelations The proposed model will help these institutions in their decision-making and in particular in the evaluation of the granting of loans © 2020 IEEE
is ?:annotates of
  • 10th_IEEE_International_Conference_on_Intelligent_Systems,_IS_2020
  • unk
  • WHO
  • An Ontology-Based Model for Credit Scoring Knowledge in Microfinance: Towards a Better Decision Making
  • #891483
  • 2020


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