In this chapter, sessile cells of the innate immune system are briefly introduced. Defined as cells equipped with diverse pattern recognition molecules capable of detecting MAMPs and DAMPs, they encompass cells such as epithelial cells, fibroblasts, vascular cells, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and adipocytes. Located at the body surfaces, epithelial cells represent the first line of innate immune defense against invading microbial pathogens. They are significant contributors to innate mucosal immunity and generate various antimicrobial defense mechanisms. Also, epithelial cells critically contribute to tissue repair via the phenomenon of re-epithelialization. Fibroblasts operate as classical sentinel cells of the innate immune system dedicated to responding to MAMPs and DAMPs emitted upon any tissue injury. Typically, fibroblasts synthesize most of the extracellular matrix of connective tissues, thereby playing a crucial role in tissue repair processes. Vascular cells of the innate immune system represent an evolutionarily developed first-line defense against any inciting insult hitting the vessel walls from the luminal side including bacteria, viruses, microbial toxins, and chemical noxa such as nicotine. Upon such insults and following recognition of MAMPs and DAMPs, vascular cells react with an innate immune response to create an acute inflammatory milieu in the vessel wall aimed at curing the vascular injury concerned. Chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts represent other vital cells of the skeletal system acting as cells of the innate immune system in its wider sense. These cells mediate injury-promoted DAMP-induced inflammatory and regenerative processes specific for the skeletal systems. Finally, adipocytes are regarded as highly active cells of the innate immune system. As white, brown, and beige adipocytes, they operate as a dynamic metabolic organ that can secrete certain bioactive molecules which have endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine actions.