COVID-19 is the disease produced by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a recently detected pathogen It originated in China and, in a few months, it has spread all over the planet This proved a high rate of transmission, which is great in closed and weakly ventilated environments, especially if there is a high number of people, keeping a short distance between them, and without using mask It has been proved that elders are especially vulnerable to this virus and can develop with a higher probability, far more severe clinical features with a fateful prognosis However, it must be taken into account that the prognosis of a COVID-19 patient depends on many factors, including the patient himself, a weak immune system, and the existence of previous diseases In addition, environment-dependent factors cannot be forgot That\'s how in nursing homes, the situation can be worse if these environment-dependent factors come into action, such as a poor ventilation, a low sun exposure, an excessive number of people and the performance of many activities that could involve a high interpersonal contact In this article, an approach is made to the factors that induce the elderly to be especially vulnerable to COVID-19, and to the measures that can be put in place to alleviate this situation