  • The number of reported cases of the new coronavirus disease named \'severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2\' (SARS-CoV-2) has increased since December 2019. The initial high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images of seven patients with diagnosed COVID-19 in the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University, China, were collected and analyzed. The study showed that all patients had close contact with COVID-19 patient and presented with fever. The initial white blood cell counts of all patients were normal. The percentage of lymphocytes decreased in three patients. In all seven patients with COVID-19, ground glass opacity (GGO) was found in the HRCT images, mainly distributed in the subpleural region of the lungs. The HRCT scans of six patients showed bilateral lobar lesions, mainly peripheral subpleural distribution; one patients showed unilateral lobar involvement. The right lung was more extensively involved than the left lung in six patients, and the lower lobe was more extensively involved than the upper lobe in five patients. The initial chest HRCT images of the lungs of COVID-19 patients had specific characteristics; the typical manifestations of the bilateral lungs showed extensive GGO-type infiltrate, with thickened vascular bundles and focal center consolidation. Pleural effusion, bilateral hilar, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy were rare.
  • 10.7883/yoken.jjid.2020.098
  • Japanese_journal_of_infectious_diseases
  • unk
  • 32475876
  • Medline
  • Coronavirus disease 2019: initial high resolution computed tomography imaging feature analysis: report of seven cases.
  • 2020-05-29


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