The newly spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has placed the entire world in an unprecedented situation Every country is fighting hard to slow down the spread of the disease and mitigate its impacts at the lowest level, country to country travelling is being monitored and strict rulings imposed, most of the inland cross-borders are being closed The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy in history, it has affecting hundreds of thousands of people around the globe Indirectly, It is also having a growing impact on the global economy Regulations prohibit passenger embarkation and disembarkation at all gateways regardless of land, air or seas except under certain circumstances Numerous transport hubs are being affected badly Seaports are being closed on the daily basis around the world and numbers of ships has been denied entry are on the rise This pandemic has causes a tremendous impact at the entire logistics sector, where Malaysia is not spared either, with 14 days \'lockdown\'on movement restrictions commencing 18th - 31stMarch, 2020 From March 18th (midnight) and for 14 days, the Malaysian government declared a national lockdown All Malaysian are given permission to go out only for medical emergencies assistance, food or groceries need to purchase on the daily basis with time restriction given, thus, allowed or for certain catergorised work with standard operating procedures of social distancing are advised The numbers of staff in office are restricted or with limited numbers allocated The National public transportation system need substantially reducing the ridership, as for freight transportation, it is not affected by the measures International freight transport is guaranteed and can be operated, but only transportation of all life essential goods could be prioritised The second strict hen Movement Control Order (MCO) was announced on the 25thMarch 2020, another 14 days extended till the 14thApril, 2020, due to the Government rates expectation numbers of patients curves has not been flatten Tighter rulings were enforced with solely one driver is allowed to perform on their domestic\'s duties This paper will solely focus on the logistics movement based on collective data and findings via the logistics industry players at the beginning stage of Covid-19 pandemic Hence, it presents an exploratory study and gives the basis for more research on cooperation, coordination and collaboration between Malaysian logistics industry players and civilian enforcement agencies in humanitarian operations The paper also written to be a research agenda for all researchers and academicians © 2020 by Advance Scientific Research