  • Several articles in this month\'s issue of The Journal of Laryngology & Otology are testament to this [ ]Touska et al present the use of transoral fine needle aspiration cytology as a technique for the diagnosis of various head and neck lesions, with particular reference to the benefits of this approach in the Covid-19 era 1 They present a series of five patients undergoing this procedure for a number of different tumour subsites Ioannidis et al propose the use of a microscope drape method to minimise aerosol spread in the operating theatre environment during endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery 2 In this experimental simulation study, aerosol spread was contained almost to baseline levels with the application of the drape barrier along with negative pressure created with a suction within the drape [ ]Fuccillo et al continue the olfactory theme, providing a comprehensive overview of olfactory disorders in Covid-19 4 Despite the demands and pressures that the Covid-19 pandemic has placed on healthcare systems throughout the world, it should continue to provide an impetus for research, thereby driving innovation and service improvement
is ?:annotates of
  • The_Journal_of_Laryngology_and_Otology
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Changes to otolaryngological practice in the coronavirus disease 2019 era
  • #885502
  • 2020


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