  • The Coalition for Behavioral Health and the New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (NYAPRS) announced last week the launch of a new campaign to help New Yorkers to reach out, connect and comfort one another as New Yorkers work their way through the COVID-19 crisis and social distancing, advocates announced in a news release The ?Strive for Five? campaign aims to educate and encourage New Yorkers to use a variety of strategies, such as phone, text, web, social media, and other applications and Zoom technologies to reach out and offer mental health support to at least five people over the next 30 days As movement is increasingly restricted, virtual check-ins grow more important each day, advocates stated ?We encourage New Yorkers to connect with people who may be isolated, lonely or live alone, and to reach out to neighbors, friends, families and co-workers First responders, health care workers and other individuals who are courageously keeping our essential services open also need support now, as do caregivers who are hard at work taking care of others,? said NYAPRS and the coalition
  • Mental_Health_Weekly
  • unk
  • WHO
  • New York MH groups launch campaign to help people stay connected
  • #17882
  • 2020


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