In today’s digital world, mobile phones have become indispensable, being considered the fifth necessity in addition to food, clothing, shelter, and education Mobile phone subscriptions surpassed the world population in 2016 There is a plethora of uses of mobile phones that include the more-than-voice (MTV) technology such as messaging, mobile banking, bill payments, etc The MTV technology has become ubiquitous all over the world However, there is a paucity of evidence of adequate research regarding the consumer acceptance of the MTV technology by the bottom of the pyramid (BoP) in the developing countries This study examines the factors influencing the adoption of the MTV technology by the BoP in India The findings suggest that there are five significant predictors of the acceptance of MTV technology in India These factors include the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived social influence, perceived value, and perceived propensity to use the MTV technology The results indicate that there are positive relationships between these factors and the acceptance of the MTV technology by the BoP in India The study also proposed that perceived acumen to use and perceived facilitating conditions have a positive influence on the acceptance of the MTV technology However, the findings show a lack of such evidence in India © International Research Publication House