Negative stigma labelled against Covid-19 patients and health workers can worsen Covid-19 management situation Therefore, this research aimed to analyze Surakarta people\'s interpretation on Covid-19 patient and their social construction process on Covid-19 patient in Surakarta Indonesia This qualitative research with phenomenological research employed purposive sampling technique Research informants consisted of Surakarta people, Pulmonologists and Nurses in Dr Moewardi Surakarta Hospital, Chief Executive of Covid-19 Management Acceleration Task force of Surakarta City, etc Online observation, in-depth interview, and documentation with internet media were used to collect primary and secondary data Method and data source triangulations were used to validate data Interactive model of analysis was conducted using Berger\'s Social Construction theory Surakarta People\'s social construction on Covid-19 positive patients passed through some process: Externalization process indicated with Surakarta people\'s early perception on Covid-19 as a new disease known poorly, thereby generating fear and ignorance among them;Objectification process showing people with varying perspectives on Covid-19 positive patients;and Internalization process finding the subjective reality of Surakarta People on Covid-19 patients affected by objectification stage, later creating interpretation on individual or group having ever interacted with this virus patient © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020