  • Mott insulators under sufficiently strong spin-orbit coupling can display quantum spin liquid phases with topological order and fractional excitations. Quantum magnets with pure Kitaev spin exchange interactions can host a gapped quantum spin liquid with a single Majorana edge mode propagating in the counter-clockwise direction when a small positive magnetic field is applied. Here, we show how under a sufficiently strong positive magnetic field a topological transition into a gapped quantum spin liquid with two Majorana edge modes propagating in the clockwise direction occurs. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is found to turn the non-chiral Kitaev\'s gapless quantum spin liquid into a chiral one with equal Berry phases at the two Dirac points. Thermal Hall conductance experiments can provide evidence of the novel topologically gapped quantum spin liquid states predicted.
is ?:annotates of
  • 1910.09874
  • 10.1103/physrevlett.124.217203
  • Physical_review_letters
  • arxiv
  • 32530674.0
  • ArXiv; Medline
  • Novel chiral quantum spin liquids in Kitaev magnets
  • 2019-10-22


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