  • The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has brought to light significant health inequities that have existed in our society for decades. Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and immigrants are the populations most likely to experience disparities related to burden of disease, health care, and health outcomes. Increasingly, national and state statistics on COVID-19 report disproportionately higher mortality rates in blacks. There has never been a more pressing time for us to enact progressive and far-reaching changes in social, economic, and political policies that will shape programs aimed at improving the health of all people living in the United States.
  • 10.1177/0194599820926463
  • Otolaryngology--head_and_neck_surgery_:_official_journal_of_American_Academy_of_Otolaryngology-Head_and_Neck_Surgery
  • unk
  • 32366172.0
  • Medline
  • COVID-19 and the Widening Gap in Health Inequity.
  • 2020-05-05


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