  • Erratic disturbance in biome is due to the daredevil conduct and dubious behavior of human beings Noxious pestilences on earth have putdown the whole humankind in serious difficulties At present the world is facing humanity\'s biggest crisis, that is, coronavirus pandemic There are six divergent types of corona viruses which have been indentified till date Out of these, four types have honed potential to cause common cold infections in human beings The virus SARS-CoV- 2 is one of them which is extremely treacherous and threatening the world with their catastrophic emergence This virus has severe potency to induce acute respiratory setback in human beings It was initially reported in Wuhan, a city of central China, and the virus has subsequently spread to other countries of Asia, America, Europe and Africa continents At present, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has taken the configuration of dreadful pandemic and abominably affecting the global health at alarming level The intermediary host of this virus and the subsequent mode of transmission are still unknown, but the transmission from human to human is broadly confirmed Several drugs like remdesivir, doxycycline, azithromycin, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been tried in the course of treatment As per existing literature, these drugs reduce the severity of illnesses in the patients of COVID-19, however the promising mechanism of cure has not yet been approved or peer-reviewed Many clinical studies are still underway worldwide Increasing the intracellular concentration of zinc has been observed to impair the replication of variety of RNA viruses Zinc ionophores are the zinc binding compounds that target viral RNA polymerase in order to inhibit viral replication Despite these activities, zinc also possesses anti-inflammatory as well as immunomodulatory activities Hence, the use of zinc ionophore may be a blockbuster against the virus SARS-CoV-2 All-inclusive clinical studies can be carried out in order to assess the synergism of zinc with the existing ionophores against the COVID-19 © 2020 World Research Association All rights reserved
is ?:annotates of
  • Research_Journal_of_Chemistry_and_Environment
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • An insight into the sars-cov-2: Use of zinc ionophores - a blockbuster approach
  • #884336
  • 2020


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