  • the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic started in December 2019 and still remains a major global health issue. Every country in the world has adopted drastic measures to contain the virus, although their stringency varies among countries, ranging from increased surveillance and focused interventions to strict lockdown (1). Italy was the second country where the disease had a major impact early in the pandemic, such that a strict nationwide lockdown was declared from March 9 to May 3, 2020. Nonetheless, between January and May 2020, there were 210,000 COVID-19 cases in Italy and 29,000 deaths were recorded (2). Due to the lockdown, universities (and in general all educational services) shifted to online classes, with students attending lessons and taking their exams from home. On-site activities were reduced to those considered indispensable. Research activities also had to be modified, such as by the adoption of a smart-working model (3). Between May and August 2020, the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Italy decreased. In response, the lockdown was loosened and some activities were restarted, albeit with specific safety protocols (social distancing, use of masks, temperature checks at the workplace entry, environmental disinfection, mixed models of smart and in-office work). These actions were accompanied by periodic serological and PCR screening tests (4).
  • 10.7416/ai.2021.2425
  • Annali_di_igiene_:_medicina_preventiva_e_di_comunita
  • unk
  • 33570091
  • Medline
  • The university as a safe environment during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic: the experience of Bari Politecnico.
  • 2021


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