  • Hydroxychloroquine is one of the most frequently used drugs in dermatology with a wide variety of uses due to its immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, photoprotective, and metabolic actions and low side effect profile Demonstration of its antiviral action in vitro has led to renewed interest by physicians worldwide during the ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic Like its immunomodulatory action, its antiviral activity is also due to its ability to alkalinize the intracytoplasmic milieu, leading to disordered viral entry/fusion and deranged viral protein synthesis However, randomized controlled trials are the need of the hour to conclusively determine its clinical efficacy in such infections A review of the multitude of mechanisms of action, updated screening and monitoring guidelines, drug interactions, side effects, and its use in special populations is described
  • Indian_dermatology_online_journal
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Hydroxychloroquine in Dermatology and Beyond: Recent Update
  • #665385
  • 2020


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