  • The implementation of the economics curriculum 2013 still faces various obstacles and not all educators understand that Indonesian economic values must be taught in schools Meanwhile, the need for student behavior based on Indonesian economic values is increasingly urgent The purpose of this study is to examine the curriculum based on Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution during the Covid 19 period, as a basis for making teaching materials This study uses qualitative methods and focus group discussion as a means of validating data following observation, documentation and interviews What is analyzed is the general objectives of the curriculum and philosophy of economics It is found that the philosophy of Indonesian economic behavior has not been accommodated in the curriculum material The systematics of matter is incompatible with the systematics of economic theory There is no philosophical foundation of essentialism and philosophy for solving social problems Economic theory learning is integrated with applied economics The formulation of the basic competencies of the curriculum does not actualize changes in the economic life of the community during the Covid 19 period It was found that there was a shift in the values and culture of society in solving economic problems and the implementation of the quality of learning was indicated to have decreased, because teachers and students had to change their face-to-face learning behavior with online learning The reconstruction of the economic education curriculum in SMA should be carried out Contribution in the field, there needs to be a reconstruction of the economic education curriculum, especially in the material structure, determination of basic competencies based on Indonesian economic behavior that uses a humanist approach, experimentalism and social reconstructivism in anticipating shifts in the values and culture of society in solving economic problems © 2020 by authors
is ?:annotates of
  • Universal_Journal_of_Educational_Research
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Curriculum analysis based on indonesia\'s economic behavior in the covid-19 period
  • #940377
  • 2020


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