  • [ ]many US environmental policies face legal challenges and Trump has established a highly conservative judiciary According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the window for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change is rapidly closing 22 Similarly, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warns that there is only a short time to act on threats to biodiversity 23 Continued reliance on fossil fuels, destruction of ecosystems, dissemination of persistent toxic chemicals, and other environmental depredations—many of them permitted, if not promoted, during the Trump presidency—are inconsistent with a healthy future for humanity Supplementary Material Supplementary appendix Trump record Biden platform Energy Weakened power plant greenhouse gas emission rules;permitted controversial new oil pipelines;lowered barriers to fossil fuel development;weakened methane and volatile organic compound emission rules at drill sites;weakened energy conservation standards for household and commercial appliances “Ensure the US achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050”;would strengthen vehicle fuel economy standards;nationwide programme of energy efficiency in buildings;supports “a worldwide ban on fossil fuel subsidies” Water Rolled back offshore drilling safety rules;removed protection on marine national monuments;rolled back Clean Water Act provisions that protected rivers and streams Would ban new oil and gas permitting in public waters;would make water infrastructure a top priority including monitoring contaminant levels, and holding polluters accountable Land Weakened wetlands protection;opened more federal land for oil and gas exploitation, mining, and logging;reduced enforcement of illegal grazing on public lands Would ban new oil and gas permitting on public lands;permanently protect Arctic National Wildlife Refuge;advocates reforestation of public lands Biodiversity Reduced wildlife protections;weakened Endangered Species Act “Protecting biodiversity, slowing extinction rates and helping leverage natural climate solutions by conserving 30% of America\'s lands and waters by 2030” Food and agriculture Withdrew organic livestock animal welfare rule;exempted combined animal feed operations from hazardous substance release reporting requirements “Invest in climate-friendly farming such as conservation programs for cover crops and other practices aimed at restoring the soil and building soil carbon, and in the process, preventing run-off and helping family farmers deploy the latest technologies to maximize productivity” Chemical pollution Blocked or weakened regulations of power plant mercury and other toxic emissions, chlorpyrifos, and other chemicals;weakened rules on coal ash waste Pledges to strengthen enforcement of pollution rules, especially in disproportionately impacted communities Transport Cut funding for rail, urban transit, and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, while heavily funding highways;weakened vehicle fuel efficiency standards;revoked California\'s right to set strict vehicle emission standards;exempted oil refiners from biofuel blending requirements Supports local solutions for transit and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure;pledges a “second great railroad revolution” with substantial expansion of rail infrastructure;would accelerate deployment of electric vehicles through charging infrastructure and tax credits Role of science Weakened and/or disbanded science advisory groups;defunded NASA monitoring of carbon emissions;proposed EPA transparency rule precludes use of much health evidence in policy making Declared commitment to “science, not fiction” International cooperation Withdrew from Paris Agreement;ended US funding for WHO;reinstated Mexico City Policy (“global gag rule”), blocking US funding of NGOs that provide abortion services or advocate for abortion Pledges to lead global efforts to ramp up climate targets;would rejoin Paris Agreement;would promote low-carbon international development aid;would withdraw Mexico City Policy Table Illustrative environmental policies of Trump (2017–20) and Biden (projected) administrations
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  • WHO
  • Planetary health and the 2020 US election
  • #850925
  • 2020


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