  • The COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing opioid epidemic, rise in substance use, and social and political unrest in the US and globally has impacted how substance use-related health needs are addressed. These issues were driving forces in planning AMERSA\'s 44th annual conference. True to the multidisciplinary spirit, and with diversity goals and advocacy at the forefront of mind, \'together we rise\' became the beacon for the AMERSA 2020 conference. This commentary provides an overview of the conference proceedings, topics that were highly relevant for clinicians, educators, researchers, and advocates for change.
  • 10.1080/08897077.2020.1866144
  • Substance_abuse
  • unk
  • 33428560.0
  • Medline
  • Confronting COVID, racism, and addiction: The association of multidisciplinary education and research in substance use and addiction (AMERSA).
  • 2021-01-11


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