  • A recently developed model to analyze Covid-19 case data has been applied to compare the Covid-19 cases and hospital bed usage in Santa Clara county and San Mateo county which are in the Silicon Valley region of California. The model gives prediction for number of cases and deaths and number of hospital beds six weeks in advance. The model is versatile and can be applied to other countries and regions as well. Key words: Coronavirus, Covid-19, SARS, model, analysis, data, hospital, ICU, infectious disease, California, Silicon Valley
  • 10.1101/2020.05.26.20114116
  • medrxiv
  • document_parses/pdf_json/0f6476cbe018201d2ebbf74f8cd5c04c5e4aee03.json
  • MedRxiv; WHO
  • Model Based Comparison of Covid-19 Cases in Two Counties in the Silicon Valley
  • 2020-05-28


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