  • Jan Maguire, RN (palliative care), Wellington And thanks for the van MANY THANKS to Britz rentals, through the primary health care (PHC) group email, for offering camper van rental at favourable rates in appreciation of the work of PHC nurses during lockdown In another, we watched a wonderful sunset over the Tasman Sea from 800m up on the Denniston Plateau, drink in hand, heater keeping us toasty warm, as we appreciated the hardships early occupants of the area endured The themes emerging from the data so far show potential to inform future leadership development of nurse leaders in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Reading and writing are empowering processes built on reflection and can create a wondrously rich inner life that motivates one to take positive action for a better world Janine Kitson Life Member COVID cannot curb protest The NSW Liberal government is taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis, freezing the pay of TAFE teachers this year (alongside nurses, in a pandemic-go figure!), and now wants to reduce the previous pay cap of 2 5 per cent to just 1 5 per cent! [ ]it would be a legacy that would keep on giving;a living national treasure of young people rebuilding our country
  • Education
  • Kai_Tiaki_:_Nursing_New_Zealand
  • New_Sci.
  • New_Scientist
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Letters
  • #1046904
  • #17792
  • #632728
  • #669723
  • #715405
  • #946677
  • 2020


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