  • Chronicity and comorbidity influence the risk of CoViD-19 infection and the course of the disease Epidemiological data and studies performed show different rates of chronic diseases and multimorbidity among patients affected by CoViD-19 in the various countries and areas, but they consistently stress their impact on CoViD-19 infection In order to protect chronic and frail patients, the Italian Medicines Agency has taken measures to extend the therapeutic plans and monitoring registers;hopefully, therapeutic plans for antidiabetics, drugs for respiratory diseases and oral anticoagulant drugs will be abolished since they do not offer any additional advantage in terms of appropriateness and traceability of outcomes The MaCroScopio project (Observatory on Chronic Diseases), regarding the CoViD-19 emergency, has started a new research path to foster the integration of the administrative data flows with the CoViD-19 Registers for planning and research purposes in the context of chronicity, as well as to evaluate the economic and organizational impact of the pandemic
  • Recenti_Prog_Med
  • unk
  • WHO
  • [CoViD-19 and chronic diseases: current knowledge, future steps and the MaCroScopio project.]
  • #110240
  • 2020


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