ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on the interface between the Coronavirus pandemic and nursing theories Method: theoretical-reflective assay, anchored in the theoretical constructs of Dorothea Orem, Florence Nightingale and Callista Roy Results: in the interface with Orem, the professional, based on the nursing systems, offers health education for the virus prevention, the conduct of home isolation and in high complexity assistance when there is worsening of COVID19;with Nightingale, it is revealed the importance of environmental sanitation, ventilation, personal and domestic cleaning and the surrounding areas;with Roy, focal stimuli are perceived such as the symptoms of COVID19, contextual stimuli related to comorbidities, and residual stimuli, concerning to work stress due to high viral transmission and lack of protective equipment Final Considerations: nurses can use the theoretical framework of nursing theories as tools to guide their care in this pandemic situation RESUMEN Objetivo: reflexionar sobre la interfaz entre la pandemia de coronavirus y las teorías de enfermería Método: ensayo teórico-reflexivo anclado en los constructos teóricos de Dorothea Orem, Florence Nightingale y Callista Roy Resultados: en la interfaz con Orem, el profesional, basado en sistemas de enfermería, ofrece educación en salud para la prevención del virus, manejo en aislamiento domiciliario y asistencia de alta complejidad cuando se presenta un agravamiento de COVID-19;con Nightingale, se revela la importancia del saneamiento ambiental, la ventilación, la limpieza personal y doméstica y de los alrededores;con Roy, se perciben los estímulos focales como los síntomas de COVID-19, los estímulos contextuales relacionados con las comorbilidades y los estímulos residuales relacionados con el estrés laboral por la alta transmisibilidad viral y el insuficiente equipo de protección Consideraciones finales: los enfermeros pueden utilizar el marco teórico de las teorías de enfermería como herramientas para orientar su atención en esta situación pandémica RESUMO Objetivo: refletir sobre a interface entre a pandemia pelo coronavírus e as teorias de enfermagem Método: ensaio teórico-reflexivo, ancorado nos constructos teóricos de Dorothea Orem, Florence Nightingale e Callista Roy Resultados: na interface com Orem, o profissional, com base nos sistemas de enfermagem, oferece educação em saúde para prevenção ao vírus, manejo no isolamento domiciliar e assistência de alta complexidade, quando há o agravamento da COVID-19;com Nightingale, se desvela a importância do saneamento ambiental, ventilação, limpeza pessoal, doméstica e das áreas circunvizinhas;com Roy, se percebem os estímulos focais como os sintomas da COVID-19, estímulos contextuais relacionados às comorbidades, e estímulos residuais concernentes ao estresse laboral pela alta transmissibilidade virótica e insuficiência de equipamentos de proteção Considerações Finais: o enfermeiro pode utilizar o arcabouço teórico das teorias de enfermagem como ferramentas para nortear o seu cuidado nesta conjuntura pandêmica
OBJECTIVE: to reflect on the interface between the Coronavirus pandemic and nursing theories. METHOD: theoretical-reflective assay, anchored in the theoretical constructs of Dorothea Orem, Florence Nightingale and Callista Roy. RESULTS: in the interface with Orem, the professional, based on the nursing systems, offers health education for the virus prevention, the conduct of home isolation and in high complexity assistance when there is worsening of COVID19; with Nightingale, it is revealed the importance of environmental sanitation, ventilation, personal and domestic cleaning and the surrounding areas; with Roy, focal stimuli are perceived such as the symptoms of COVID19, contextual stimuli related to comorbidities, and residual stimuli, concerning to work stress due to high viral transmission and lack of protective equipment. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: nurses can use the theoretical framework of nursing theories as tools to guide their care in this pandemic situation.