  • From the Article: The school year may be over, but the pandemic is not After forcing closures of schools and child care programs--along with much of the economy--COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] cases are rising in a majority of states This trend does not bode well for the reopening of those programs and schools, which typically welcome students back within the next eight weeks Some states are allowing schools to reopen for summer programming, while others have announced there will be at least some in-person instruction in the fall Child care programs, too, are beginning to reopen But this crisis has taken its toll Day care centers are struggling to stay afloat after months of little to no revenue Many may never reopen, aggravating an already strained child care system And schools that move toward reopening may not have enough teachers, as some choose not to return to the classroom COVID-19 (Disease);Disaster recovery;Epidemics
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Working Parents Are Key to COVID-19 Recovery
  • #739720
  • 2020


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