  • The move of much anatomy teaching online in response to the Covid‐19 pandemic has been successfully implemented within very short time frames. This has necessitated a high degree of dependence upon the use of digitized cadaveric resources, has entailed immense workload demands on staff, and has disrupted students’ studies. These educational exigencies have been accompanied by ethical uncertainties for a discipline centered on study of the dead human body. An ethical framework for anatomy is suggested based on the principles of equal concern and respect, minimization of harm, fairness, and reciprocity, in which all staff and students are to be treated with respect and as moral equals. A series of ethical obligations is proposed as a means of maintaining the ethos of anatomy, coping with the suspension of body donation, providing adequate resources, and responding to increased dependence upon external providers. Good academic practice raises more general obligations stemming from the welfare of students, the increased workload of staff, and checking on online assessment and invigilation. As anatomists respond to the educational and ethical lessons prompted by this pandemic, they should plan for future disruptions to normal work patterns by adopting a sustainable and equitable course of action.
  • 10.1002/ase.2003
  • Anat_Sci_Educ
  • no-cc
  • document_parses/pdf_json/95faa795249ebe6207323717855db560e6aafce2.json
  • 32705774.0
  • Medline; PMC
  • Ethical Responses to a Pandemic: Implications for the Ethos and Practice of Anatomy as a Health Science Discipline
  • 2020-07-23


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