ABSTRACT In Brazil, indigenous peoples present a complex reality characterized by a marked social vulnerability that is manifested in health and nutritional indicators. In this scenario, poor sanitary conditions prevail, with a high burden of chronic noncommunicable diseases; infectious/parasitic diseases; and nutritional disorders, including malnutrition and anemia. This situation is reflected in numerous aspects of food insecurity, placing this population in a position of particular vulnerability to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and its effects. The objective of our study was to present a set of preliminary reflections on food insecurity and indigenous protagonism in times of Covid-19. The pandemic has deepened the inequalities that affect the indigenous peoples, with a direct impact on food security conditions. Amid the effects of the pandemic, indigenous protagonism has played a fundamental role in guaranteeing these peoples\' rights and access to food, denouncing the absent and slow official responses as acts of institutional violence, which will have serious and lasting effects on the lives of indigenous peoples.