  • From the Abstract: Social contacts are a key transmission channel of infectious diseases spread by the respiratory or close-contact route, such as COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] There is no evidence, however, on the question of whether the nature and the organisation of work affect the spread of COVID-19 in different countries I have developed a methodology to measure country-specific levels of occupational exposure to contagion driven by social contacts I combined six indicators based on Occupation Information Network (O*NET) and the European Working Condition Survey (EWCS) data I then applied them to 26 European countries, and found substantial cross-country differences in levels of exposure to contagion in comparable occupations The resulting country-level measures of levels of exposure to contagion (excluding health professions) predict the growth in COVID-19 cases, and the number of deaths from COVID-19 in the early stage of pandemic (up to four weeks after the 100th case) The relationship between levels of occupational exposure to contagion and the spread of COVID-19 is particularly strong for workers aged 45-64 COVID-19 (Disease);Employees--Safety measures;Infection--Control
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Occupational Exposure to Contagion and the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe
  • #740426
  • 2020


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