  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a huge wave of compassion In particular, online volunteering platforms established channeling help for high-risk groups It is unclear under which conditions volunteers were satisfied with their COVID-19 volunteering mediated by these platforms and whether they will continue their engagement after the crisis Therefore, and considering personal susceptibility to COVID-19 infection, this study analyzes the effects of different platform support for volunteers and the fulfillment of volunteers? motives The study is based on an online survey of a sample of 565 volunteers who registered at and were placed by a Swiss online platform Fulfillment of distinct volunteer motives and platform support drive COVID-19 volunteering satisfaction Moreover, motive fulfillment and platform-related support indirectly impact willingness to volunteer long-term via volunteering satisfaction Finally, the empirical results show that motive fulfillment and the effect of platform support are contingent on perceived susceptibility to infection
is ?:annotates of
  • Nonprofit_and_Voluntary_Sector_Quarterly
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Satisfaction With Informal Volunteering During the COVID-19 Crisis: An Empirical Study Considering a Swiss Online Volunteering Platform
  • #901688
  • 2020


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