  • As the world faces the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become imperative to undertake the evaluation of the capacity of our health systems and analyse where we stand in terms of the availability of healthcare services Considering the varying demography of the country and the continuously growing population, the resources available for healthcare face a huge demand-supply gap The outbreak of coronavirus has highlighted various disparities in the healthcare sector India lags in terms of the availability of the required healthcare infrastructure and also the frontline workers Apart from hospital beds and intensive care facilities, the doctor to population ratio is abysmally low The focus on healthcare policymaking and healthcare education is increasingly essential in order to prepare for healthcare emergencies effectively The facilities for population aged above 60 are also subpar and are mostly concentrated in the urban areas wherein southern and eastern states show better figures than central and northern states This dysfunction of the economy and the inability of our healthcare and legal systems to deal effectively with the virus, brings into question the country\'s healthcare, legal and financial frameworks and emphasizes the need to work on them © 2020, World Research Association All rights reserved
is ?:annotates of
  • Disaster_Advances
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Healthcare capacity building to facilitate pandemic preparedness
  • #896512
  • 2020


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