  • In this article, we consider the influence of combined general anesthesia on the results of electrically-involved stapedial reflex threshold (esrt) registration. We pay a special attention to the anesthesia to exclude its influence on the esrt. This study included 52 patients with bilateral chronic neurosensory hearing impairment. We conducted a retrospective (from 2014 to 2016) and prospective (from 2017 to 2018) analysis of anesthesia protocols. Even though the inhaled anesthesia (sevoflurane in this case) has a depressive effect on esrt registration (the higher the minimal alveolar concentration of anesthetic agent, the higher the reflex threshold), our study shows a possibility of using it in an extended anesthesia monitoring. Inclusion of myorelaxants in cochlear implantation anesthesia protocol not only provides a safe anesthesia, but also does not prevent a timely intraoperative cochlear implant testing.
is ?:annotates of
  • 10.17116/otorino20198405126
  • Vestnik_otorinolaringologii
  • unk
  • 31793523
  • Medline
  • [General anesthesia influence on cochlear implant intraoperative testing].
  • 2019


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