  • helen salisbury@phc ox ac uk Follow Helen on Twitter: @HelenRSalisbury A newspaper columnist recently suggested on social media that responding to the pandemic with a lockdown does not prevent deaths but merely postpones them [ ]someone discovers the secret of eternal life on Earth, death can’t be prevented Many of us (and not only doctors) are still haunted by the images from Italy and Spain during the first wave of the virus: the people lying in hospital corridors, the systems and individuals utterly overwhelmed by an influx of very sick patients If the flow of patients into a hospital is moderated, more resources are available to give each patient the best chance of recovery—and possibly to postpone their death by years or decades
is ?:annotates of
  • BMJ_:_British_Medical_Journal_(Online)
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Helen Salisbury: Postponing death
  • #892304
  • 2020


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