  • Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the main risk factors associated with the progression to severe disease or death have been typically advanced age, diabetes mellitus, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and chronic pneumopathy Because of their immunosuppression status, persons with HIV were also expected to have a higher susceptibility to infection or a poor clinical evolution So far, this has not been confirmed to happen, giving way to hypotheses about the role of immunosuppression or the use of antiretrovirals, which could explain this paradox In this article we present the existing data on the epidemiology and characteristics of HIV-COVID-19 co-infection, discuss the available evidence on the possible factors involved in the evolution of individuals affected by both viruses, analyze other determinants that may negatively affect persons with HIV during the pandemic, and present recommendations for the prevention and care of COVID-19 infection in the context of HIV Resumen A través de la pandemia por COVID-19, los factores de riesgo que se han asociado con progresión a enfermedad severa o muerte han sido característicamente la edad avanzada, diabetes mellitus, obesidad, hipertensión arterial, cardiopatía y neumopatía crónica Por su condición de inmunosupresión, se esperaba que las personas viviendo con VIH (PVV) también presentaran una mayor susceptibilidad a la infección o una pobre evolución clínica Hasta el momento no se ha confirmado que esto suceda, dando paso a hipótesis sobre el papel de la inmunodepresión o el uso de antirretrovirales, que podrían explicar esta paradoja En este artículo presentamos la información que existe hasta el momento sobre la epidemiología y características de la coinfección VIH/COVID-19, discutiendo la evidencia disponible sobre los posibles factores implicados en la evolución de los individuos afectados por ambos virus, analizamos otros determinantes que pueden afectar de forma negativa a las PVV durante la pandemia y presentamos recomendaciones para la prevención y el cuidado de la infección por COVID-19 en el contexto de VIH
  • Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the main risk factors associated with the progression to severe disease or death have been typically advanced age, diabetes mellitus, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and chronic pneumopathy. Because of their immunosuppression status, persons with HIV were also expected to have a higher susceptibility to infection or a poor clinical evolution. So far, this has not been confirmed to happen, giving way to hypotheses about the role of immunosuppression or the use of antiretrovirals, which could explain this paradox. In this article we present the existing data on the epidemiology and characteristics of HIV-COVID-19 co-infection, discuss the available evidence on the possible factors involved in the evolution of individuals affected by both viruses, analyze other determinants that may negatively affect persons with HIV during the pandemic, and present recommendations for the prevention and care of COVID-19 infection in the context of HIV.
  • Colomb._med
  • Colomb_Med_(Cali)
  • unk
  • WHO
  • COVID-19 and VIH
  • #741712
  • #790170
  • 2020


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