  • BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The COVID‐19 pandemic and control measures may have increased the risk of abusing addictive substances as well as addictive behaviors. METHODS: We present an initial online survey in 6416 Chinese about the relation between the COVID‐19 pandemic and addictive behavior in China. RESULTS: During the COVID‐19 pandemic, 46.8% of the subjects reported increased dependence on internet use, and 16.6% had longer hours of internet use. The prevalence (4.3%) of severe internet dependence rose up to 23% than that (3.5%) before the COVID‐19 pandemic occurred, and their dependence degree rose 20 times more often than being declined (60% vs 3%). Relapses to abuse from alcohol and smoking abstinence were relatively common at 19% and 25%, respectively. Similarly, 32% of regular alcohol drinkers and 20% of regular smokers increased their usage amount during the pandemic. CONCLUSION AND SCIENTIFIC SIGNIFICANCE: These three coping behaviors (internet, alcohol, and smoking) during this COVID‐19‐related crisis appear to have increased the risk for substance use disorders and internet addiction. (Am J Addict 2020;00:00–00)
  • 10.1111/ajad.13066
  • Am_J_Addict
  • no-cc
  • document_parses/pdf_json/4867259db1fa92a2211371cb44974395305de6eb.json
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  • 32500608.0
  • Medline; PMC
  • Brief Report: Increased Addictive Internet and Substance Use Behavior During the COVID‐19 Pandemic in China
  • 2020-06-04


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