Correspondence to Dr Natasha Christodoulides, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, Clinical Skills Centre, 2nd Floor, Paterson Centre, St Mary\'s Hospital, South Wharf Road, London W2 1BL, UK;natasha christodoulides19@imperial ac uk Introduction An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by COVID-19 has caught the world off guard The educator’s role will be to provide ‘Vygotskian’-style ‘scaffolding’, encouraging novice learners to experiment and providing support and feedback when required to advance learning 2 A formal debrief will conclude each session (figure 1) The primary aim is to foster a supportive environment where the learners feel safe and psychologically challenged to engage in reflective practice 3 Rethinking fidelity: shifting focus to engagement and meaningfulness for learners The rise in popularity of technology in simulation accompanies the assumption that greater simulation fidelity (ie, a high resemblance to real patients, events and/or environments) will lead to enhanced learning 4 This has shifted focus away from the intended educational outcomes of the simulated experience