  • Matters have worsened with the Covid-19 virus causing a slowdown in oil prices, the global stock market panic, and the country\'s Merval index falling 14% on Monday 9 February, despite a relative low number of cases in the country The pari passu fallacy - requiescat in pace If Fernández is able to renegotiate this foreign debt in a suitable way, he will likely find himself in a better position to raise his voice within his coalition in the government See also: Q&A with sovereign debt legend Lee Buchheit \'The sequence of fiscal targets that would be politically feasible in Argentina requires growth and – in my view – lower tax rates so that investors are willing to put money on the ground and make real investments
is ?:annotates of
  • International_Financial_Law_Review
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Lawmaking in Argentina on hold as country and creditors await debt restructuring
  • #823968
  • 2020


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