  • God gave life for a living, but due to our unrealistic expectations of achieving name, fame, pleasure, royalty, money and living according to a system which we ourself created for our convenience and today, we ourself got abided by it. Today the whole world is suffering from an unbearable outbreak of nature in the form of COVID-19 where the world is facing the truth of life by experiencing uncontrolled death helplessly. Where all our weapons, machinery, intellectual, power, money is meaningless in front of this pandemic. The whole world is trying to combat the situation, which is very threatening. It is vital to follow all guidelines of WHO maintaining social distancing, and the use of a mask. But many countries in this situation are also facing terrorism—fake news. The situation is more critical for the poor people in this lockdown Because they are forced to live far away from their family for a long time as all economic activities are stopped. Poor people are thinking that before dying by a coronavirus, they would die of hunger. So nations have a big challenge that they have to save people from coronavirus but also the economic backwardness that has been created by this lockdown.
is ?:annotates of
  • Int._J._Res._Pharm._Sci.
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Covid-19 and the aching world
  • #714553
  • 2020


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