  • That the present moment ties multiple crises together-not least because each is a future of pasts that wound(ed) through each other-must be factored into our intercessions and visions If every crisis is also a call to order, then what order, old or new, does the pandemic call us to? Its literality provokes us to keep both the pan and the demos in sight, just as they are being extinguished through borders, disease, poverty, insecurity, hatred, and disposability in the global postcolony We are asked to remember that capital and colony are inseparable, that the nation-state is too suspicious a source of comfort, that the eroding claims of citizenship across the postcolonial and post-democratic fascist failed states are instructive and prophetic, and that the assumptions of place and movement in our frames of the democratic political need revisiting
is ?:annotates of
  • Democratic_Theory-an_Interdisciplinary_Journal
  • unk
  • WHO
  • No Demos in the Pandemic
  • #791222
  • 2020


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